Minority Speak Magazine would like to extend you the opportunity to send in your ideas for articles, success stories, resources, and other content that you would like to see in the magazine here online. Minority Speak is growing and needs you to help it continue to grow and provide the kinds of information that you want to read about when it comes to inspiring, uplifting, educating, and informing minorities all over. It is important that you realize that if you don’t speak out about the great things you are doing, the positive things the organizations you’ve created or participate in are doing, and so forth…who will? If you don’t inform others about the steps you took which helped you be successful in any form or fashion, how will they know?
Everyday I cross paths with outstanding minorities who are regular people doing great things worthy of great headlines, but that story is never told. However if something negative happened to any one of these people, the word would travel endlessly fast. You have a choice to be part of something better. Minority Speak believes in you and your greatness. You don’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to be without issue. We all live in the same world filled with adversity that invokes highs and lows. Don’t minimize your own greatness. Shine your light and allow those without to see the way.
Examples of Things You Can Contribute:
- A story about a positive organization or event helping minorities
- Positive statistics about minorities
- News about a hard earned promotion on a job you recently received or any awards/recognition for your efforts
- Information to promote resources available to minorities seeking to better themselves such as scholarships, programs, etc.
- Anything positive, useful, or to be proud of big or small regarding minorities
Thank you for visiting the site and be sure to use the link in the lower right of the page to register if you haven’t already to show your support. It’s free and the support keeps us motivated towards an important cause. For interview templates, guidelines, any questions, and more information on how you can contribute, contact us using the info below:
Contact: Samuel Pittman
Email: samuel@thepittmaninc.com