Going Hollywood! Frequently Asked Questions About Acting

Chavon, a young filmmaker, journalist, and Hollywood resident recently shared some FAQ’s on acting with Minority Speak. For those of you aspiring to get into the industry and make it big, we hope Chavon’s insight gets you going in the right direction! While your in Hollywood be sure to catch a screening of “Played”, a film directed, produced, and written by Chavon herself!

– Minority Speak

1. Do I have to move to Hollywood to become an actor?

Answer: The auditioning process for the majority of television and film roles takes place in Los Angeles. If you are not physically in Los Angeles, you will not be available to go in and audition for the parts that are being offered. (more…)

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Talking the Talk & Walking the Walk – TAG TEAM Marketing, Inc.

What started as story of desperation and hopelessness has transpired into a community changing movement of wealth, prosperity, leadership, and finances. The story of TAG TEAM Marketing details a positive team of Black people operating under a training system that churns out productivity and prosperity once only dreamed of by many Brothers and Sisters. Creating wealth and uniting the Black community, TAG TEAM Marketing has created a powerful business opportunity for its members through the Telecommunications Industry, recycles Black dollars into the Black community, and additionally provides educational empowerment through Black Business Seminars.

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